I want to cancel my order

No problem! You can easily cancel your order. Please note the following information:

  1. Cancellation before dispatch: Let us know your cancellation request via the contact form and have your order number ready. If the order has not yet been dispatched, the refund will usually be made to the original payment method within a few hours.
    • Note for financing: You do not need to cancel the financing separately - we will take care of this for you.
  2. Cancellation after dispatch: If the order has already been dispatched, you have the following options:
    • Reject parcel: You can refuse to accept the parcel and ask the deliverer to send it back directly. To speed up processing, please inform us at the same time using the contact form.
    • Cancellation and return: It is often quicker if you accept the parcel and initiate a return yourself. Please inform us of your cancellation using the contact form. The return is free of charge for you - we will provide you with a return label.

Contact us at any time if you have any questions - we will be happy to help you!