Problems with DPC latencies

It's complicated

The issue of DPC latency for realtime audio applications (DJ and music production with especially low buffer sizes) has always been quite complex and has recently become even more complicated since the introduction of Modern Standby (S0ix).

Remedy exists

For guaranteed low DPC latencies, we recommend taking a look at the specially optimized laptops in the audio category of our online store bestware.

For other models, we collect a few general tips here:

  • Please make sure you are using the latest EC firmware and BIOS.
  • Try to uninstall the NVIDIA GameReady driver and switch to the NVIDIA Studio driver (see screenshot)
  • Uninstall driver packages like Sound Blaster, THX Spatial Audio other third party audio applications
  • Uninstall all third-party applications that are deeply integrated into the system, including: system monitoring and tuning, antivirus, firewalls, copy protection, anti-cheat, etc.
  • Run the laptop in the high-performance profile if possible - even if that means the fan control should be a bit more aggressive
  • Follow the tips on this website: Sweetwater Audio: PC Optimization Guide for Windows 10, especially the Power & Disk Optimization

Last but not least

We hope these tips will help you when using realtime audio. If all else fails, you can also accommodate DPC spikes by increasing the buffer sizes in the music program. For guaranteed smooth operation in a professional audio environment, however, we recommend the audio category linked above on bestware.