I have sent an e-mail but have not received any reply - what might be the reason?

How do I know if my e-mail has reached you?

We will confirm the receipt of your e-mail with an automatic reply including ticket number. If you do not receive this within 30 minutes, you may assume that your e-mail has not reached us and is most likely stuck in the spam filter. In this case, please use another e-mail provider and check which e-mail address you have contacted, or contact us by telephone.

Caution #1: e-mails from private domains (example: yourname.com) may not reach us if DNS records are misconfigured.

Due to the global volume of spam e-mails, our web service provider is required to run very tight spam filter criteria. This may have an adverse effect on some users who set up their e-mail address on their own private top-level domain.

What is a private domain?

If you are using a common e-mail provider such as Google Mail, Live.com, Yahoo, Hotmail etc., then this will not apply to you and you do not need to read further. However, if you have set up an e-mail address under your own domain (such as yourname.com) for yourself or for your company, you might want to check if your DNS records are set-up correctly. This may also include users of ProtonMail which allows users to run a professionally managed e-mail service under their own private domain name.

How can I check the DNS records of my private domain?

Open this website: https://mxtoolbox.com/emailhealth/

Enter your e-mail address or domain name and click on "Check Email Health". It will take a few moments until all results are shown. When set up correctly, your domain should have 0 (zero) errors and warning. Any errors and warnings (even just a single one) will decrease your rating in the face of global spam filters, risking your e-mails to get ignored by global corporate e-mail services - not only by our own.

If you see any errors or warnings, please take a screenshot and contact your web service provider for a resolution.

If I can currently not resolve potential DNS issues, how can I still reach you?

Besides telephone hotline, live chat and our community forums, you have two other options to reach us by e-mail:

  1. Consider using an alternative e-mail address at one of the aforementioned common e-mail providers as a temporary solution. In other words: use an e-mail address that is not attached to your private domain.
  2. We have set up an alternative e-mail address that has slightly lower spam filter criteria: [support@schenker-tech.de] - please try to send your e-mail to this address. If it works for you, it will reach the same support ticket system as our other support addresses.

With one of these two methods, please check if you receive an automatic response with your ticket number within 30 minutes. If you do not receive an automatic response (again), it is most likely that your e-mail has not reached us.

Why is it necessary to employ such strict spam filter criteria?

When it comes to spam prevention, there is a crucial interdependency: if we lowered our filter criteria and let more spam into our mailbox, then we would also send significantly more automated e-mail replies back to the spam senders. If we opened our doors to such traffic, the rating of our servers may automatically be decreased in the eyes of global anti-spam systems. This would put our own legitimate, outgoing e-mail traffic to customers and other participants at risk to land in those opposite spam filters as well. Therefore, by applying strict criteria on DNS records and related server configuration, we protect ourselves against collateral damage in the ever-changing cyber security landscape.

Caution #1: please only use the email addresses currently advertised for contact. "info@" is not in use.

On our support and contact pages we advertise email addresses such as support@, sales@ and kontakt@. These addresses are all associated with the same customer support ticket system.

Other, randomly selected email addresses may not be in operation. Especially info@ should not be used, as e-mails to this address do not end up in the ticket system and are not read.

Background: info@ used to be the default address for every top-level domain in operation. However, this also made it a target for automated email spam including malware and phishing. For this reason, info@ is nowadays only the "honeypot" for spam, while real customer communication is conducted via the other e-mail addresses specifically advertised for support and sales.

The same applies to self-researched e-mail addresses of single employees or managers.

Summary: we do not guarantee responses to emails that are not addressed to the contact addresses we advertise. Such e-mails sent to false addresses will most likely not even be read, let alone answered.