Instructions for use of compressed air spray

Compressed air sprays are spray cans with a mixture of air under high pressure. These are well suited for cleaning hard-to-reach places - such as the heat sink fins inside the keyboard. These cans have a small plastic "trunk" or tube that allows the air to be sprayed very specifically on the desired areas.

Safety note

Compressed air spray is not a breathing air, but a mixture of various gases, including hydrocarbon alkanes, such as butane, propane, isobutane, and hydrofluorocarbons (PFCs). Moderate indoor use is safe. However, compressed air spray should not be inhaled directly as it can leave permanent health damage.

Further information on this topic can be found here: Air Duster Addiction (website of a rehabilitation clinic in the USA).

In general, it is recommended to open the window or perform the application outdoors before and after using compressed air spray. If compressed air spray is used for dust cleaning of cooling systems, it is recommended to use it directly at the window or outdoors anyway, otherwise the dust particles will spread inside the room.

Important: Always hold can vertically

A can of compressed air spray must always be held vertically - with the trigger button at the very top. As soon as you tilt the can, a liquid will come out instead of air. It is true that this liquid evaporates quickly. But you should still avoid liquid getting into the cracks or inside your laptop.

Now, if a vertical tilt of the compressed air spray isn't enough to get to certain places, then you'll have to tilt the laptop instead. Instead of holding the laptop in the air with one hand (which might cause it to fall down), it is recommended to:

  • Place the laptop with its outer edge on a soft surface and lean it against a wall or heavy object. The laptop should have a secure footing and not be able to fall over on its own. Position the laptop so that you can reach the desired areas with the "trunk" of the compressed air spray without having to tilt the compressed air spray can.
  • Enlist a second person to help you with this cleaning. One person can hold the laptop with both hands and, with mutual agreement, turn it so that the second person can clean all the desired areas with the compressed air spray held vertically.

If you follow these instructions, compressed air spray is a suitable, safe and efficient means of cleaning electronics and mechanics. If you have any further questions, please contact us.