What does "Limited Support" mean for Windows 10?

We use this designation when we can still offer a pre-installation of Windows 10 for a system, but no longer receive official support for this from the associated chip suppliers and technology partners. In such cases, official support from suppliers and partners is limited to Windows 11.

Current examples:

Model Limitations under Windows 10



with AMD Ryzen 6000

According to our information, AMD no longer offers official Windows 10 support for AMD Ryzen 6000 mobile CPUs. Nevertheless, AMD's current chipset drivers can be installed flawlessly so far. It cannot be guaranteed that this will still be the case for future driver updates.

The app "Sound Blaster Cinema 6 Plus is also no longer supported under Windows 10. Nevertheless, the laptop's audio drivers work flawlessly. The device's speakers have a good sound and a high maximum volume even without this app.

In principle, it cannot be ruled out that other chip suppliers whose drivers are used in this model will also discontinue their support for Windows 10 in the near or distant future.

Regardless of these restrictions, there is still the possibility for a stable and secure operation of Windows 10 on XMG NEO (M22) at the moment.

Last Update: 1. September 2022

For such models, we provide the following information:

  • We consider the current support level to be sufficient to ensure safe and stable operation of Windows 10 at the time of delivery.
  • We leave it up to customers to decide whether they want to accept the minor limitations of Windows 10 at the time of delivery. (Customers who still prefer Windows 10 over Windows 11 for any reasons will be able to decide this on their own).
  • We cannot guarantee that future software, driver or Windows updates will still be compatible with the device.
  • In the event that Windows 10 operation with future software, driver, or Windows updates can no longer be recommended, customers will be able to upgrade to Windows 11 on their own or with our assistance. The existing Windows license key can be retained. Instructions can be found here: How to do a clean Windows reinstallation
  • There is no risk of hardware warranty loss due to the operation of Windows 10.
  • If, as part of a warranty complaint, it turns out that a complained problem only occurs under Windows 10, but not under Windows 11, an upgrade to or a new installation of Windows 11 will be offered as part of the warranty fulfillment.

We ask for your understanding that the support from chip suppliers and technology partners for Windows 10 is gradually being phased out. Instead of categorically rejecting the operation of Windows 10, we aim to strike a pragmatic middle ground between support and non-support with this fact-based and transparent communication.

Windows 10 will still receive security updates until October 14, 2025 (source). After that, Windows 10 operation can no longer be recommended. An upgrade to or a new installation of Windows 11 is recommended from October 2025 at the latest.